So now we all know that Brad will not be in The Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King, theatrical version. It is the nature of the industry to cut out vital parts of movies, and it does suck. Imagine being the editor and haveing to make those kinds of decisions. Hey, that's life.
Remember guys, it is a hard job to cut scenes from a movie. I am kind of upset, but remember that Brad had many wonderful experiences in New Zealand, and that the experience itself was amazing. Also, remember we have DEADWOOD to look forward to in the spring! I'm psyched by that.
Do you want your voice heard over this outrage? Or do you think it was a good idea for PJ to cut the Saruman death scene? Express your opinion and be heard by filling out this form. See the feedback below the form.
Brad fan Tara writes:
I think its disgusting. The death of saruman and grima is i feel
a major part to the plot. How are we going to know he'd dead?Are
people who havn't readthe book just going to be left thinking that
Saruman and Grima survived and arn't dead? What about the Palantir.
Surely that's gotta be in there! That's a mjor part of the plot.
If Grima doesnt throw it who does? An angry orc??? If PJ leaves
it like this, the whole plot for Return of the King will be ruined.
Brad Fan Beverley Norris writes:
This is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. I was totally
trusting Peter Jackson to stick to some of the plot of Tolkien's
I CANNOT understand why anyone in their right mind would cut out
a vital part of the story! Also how can anyone cut out such a talented
actor?Also how can anyone cut out such a loved character as Grima...I
feel like crying...
I certainly wont be going to see rotk in the cinema more than once
now.....I have to write to Peter Jackson...
Brad Fan Anilcan Taskiran writes:
I am feeling upset so much about this. How could they do this, I
understand. Grìma Wormtongue is one of the most important
evil roles in THE LORD OF THE RINGS, I think..
Brad Fan Jill writes:
I am devastated to hear Brad's scene of Grima killing Saruman has
been cut from Return of the King. As this is one of his best roles,
in a seriously good film (an all too rare an occurrence for him)
I think it is a crying shame! I understand the director has to make
cuts somewhere, but the death of Saruman is an essential part of
the story - justice being done - it would have been nice if we had
been given the opportunity of seeing justice being done!
Brad fan Natalie writes:
what!?! why?! that makes no sense. what a disapointment!! =(
Brad Fan Michelle writes:
Very depressed actually. I noticed the change on Brad's
imdb page and e-mailed the Yahoo web group, only to find my worst
fears confirmed...
I appreciate that Peter Jackson has has a massive job in bringing
Tolkien's epic to the screen and I think that he has done a superb
job on the whole. Yet, with his deletion of Grima and Sauruman from
the final installment, he has spoiled the film. I realise that the
scouring of the Shire had been long since disposed of and that consquently
Grima and Sauruman's exit from the tale would have to be revised
but to
be cut completely? That I can't understand.I'm seriously considering
as to whether to miss the theatrical film completly and to wait
for the Extended Edition - I didn't pick up the first version of
the Two
Tower's so that I could buy more Grima goodness. I'd be interested
to see what others think...
Brad Fan Mandy Bug writes:
I'm angered saddened by it.I feel like they're messing up the story
big time. We need more story, and less eye candy. So I'm going to
wait for the Special Edition
DVD to come out before I buy it.
Brad Fan Erebor writes:
I can't quite fathom why people are reacting as if Brad and Mr.
Lee have been banished from the film. They will be in the extended
edition, which most of us consider THE movie (i.e, some of us consider
the theatrical releases to be extended trailers for the real thing!!)
It's the extended edition that will stand the test of time, not
the truncated theatrical version.
Accept that compromises have to be made and that sometimes gratification has to be delayed.
Braf Fan Erika L E. writes:
I think the mistake was not putting it in the Two Towers
where it belonged--it would NOT have broken up the movement of the
movie to have dealt with Sauraman and Grima before ending with the
scenes with Frodo and Sam and Gollum. I think it would be harder
to fit seemlessly into RoTK however, bit still doable--this really
seems like
a marketing ploy to make more money ('cause we all know they haven't
made a cent so far...oh wait a minute...)
Brad fan Jace writes:
Poor Brad!!! ;__; I am royally ticked off! Grima is one of his best
roles ever! I don't believe this! I was so excited about ROTK and
all the hoopla that's coming with it, and this news casts a horrible
black shadow on the whole thing. What would leaving in these 7 little
minutes have hurt?! Its not as if these scenes are not important
to the story. Surely there were plently of other parts the editors
could have snipped out? I know that when I see ROTK I'll be thinking,
"now if they had just taken out 2 minutes of this... and a little
of this boring part here... then they could have worked Grima in."
9_9 What a rip-off! I've been hasseling my friends and family since
TTT came out about how cool the Saruman and Grima death scenes will
be in in ROTK. That was one of the things I was looking forward
to most, and now we'll all have to wait pretty much another full
year to see it. But I am thankful that the scenes will appear on
the DVD and are not being cut out completely, thank god! I feel
so bad for Brad Dourif and Christopher Lee! <__> They really are
being cheated. You can be sure I'll be wearing my Grima costume
to the ROTK line parties and events this December to show my support
for a very underappreciated actor and character!
Brad Fan Sliven writes:
No Wormtongue in ROTK? None at all?!? There goes the reason to why
I'd like to watch that movie. OK, I will see it anyway, but will
I enjoy it as much as I'd hoped? No! I will be an extremely displeased
costumer who will have to wait an eternity for the special-edition
to be released, where I might (and might not, right?) just see what
I've longed for. Seriously, what are they thinking? What about the
palantír-scene? Wormtongues arrival at Isengard? Not even as a flashback?
Cutting out the death-scenes of Wormtongue and Saruman seems odd,
too, but then again, I don't know where they'd planed to put an
end to this movie, maybe they'll just put up a huge million-dollar
war-scene and end it at that, victory for the good guys, the end.
If so, then; their loss. I'm upset. And worse; I'm disappointed.
So disappointed.
Brad fan Mellá writes:
I have no idea how the omission of Saruman's death at the hand of
his faithful servant Gríma can allow for a sense of completion as
the trilogy comes to an end. Saruman and Gríma represent a vital
thread in the storyline of Middle Earth. Their actions, motivations
and ultimate fate are key to the social and political climates which
inspired J.R.R. Tolkein to create his saga to begin with. I can
imagine Christopher Lee's shock to learn of the omission of these
characters from the theatrical release of the film, since he had
known Professor Tolkein personally, and knew most intimately what
the story and charaters were all about. At the same time he is a
veteran of film and stage & doubtlessly knows how works of art are
changed for the worse when processed through the cinematic mill.
I had been looking forward to seeing Gríma again on the big screen
but now I doubt I'll attend the theatrical release. I'll wait for
the complete & unabridged version of the story to be released in
its proper form.
Brad Fan Erendis writes:
I feel it is bad judgement to remove the death of Saruman from the
movie. Saruman has been built up to be the main villain in the flesh
and now he will simply be an unanswered question? A loose end? How
disappointing. I must say I expected better judgement when it comes
to remaining true to the famous narrative. I understand that time
is a factor, but how can the crucial closure of the novel be ignored?
How sad. How very sad. . .
Brad Fan Lake writes:
Well, I find it disappointing. I don't understand Peter Jackson's
reasoning but I guess it's his movie at the end of the day.
Brad fan Steel writes:
I'm totaly raged!!! I do not know what to say. It's all wrong. WHY!?!?!
There has got to be something we can do!
Brad fan Dourif Nymphet writes:
textarea: Well now what am I supposed to use as incentive to live?
Brad fan Christina writes:
They cut the Grima\Saruman death scene?! No wonder the professor(Tolkien)
didn't want his books to be put on film. For exactly this reason:
Some producer/director would screw it up. Can *you* hear the disgusted
groan from Tolkiens' grave?
Brad fan Leilû writes:
No Grima?! There goes my whole reason for seeing ROTK! Guess I'll
just save the money that was going to go to the overpriced cinema
and spend it on the Extended DVD instead....
Brad fan maureen writes:
it's a bloody shame. i was really looking forward to that bit of
movie..and it's a huge letdown that not only will a vital part of
the book be cut out... but the best character will be as well! i
feel that if this goes unamended, i have no choice but to kick some
movie director
Brad fan Nihan Ateº writes:
Shame on you Mr Jackson!
Shame on you...
I couldn't stop myself
I am still in shock
Brad fan Elisa Anna-Maria Sutinen writes:
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Ok...This is it! I hate Peter Jackson! First
that BLOND Legolas was big mistake and now this. (this post
has been edited~K)
Brad fan Nihan Ates writes:
how could Peter Jackson do that!I was planning to see that movie
5 times but now I changed my mind!
Brad fan Alica writes:
This just isn't right. It's not fair to the actors and it's not
fair to
the fans.
Brad fan Lulu writes:
from the aintitcool website:
We have decided to save the Saruman sequence for the DVD. It's a
great little scene. 7 mins long. Chris is wonderful, as usual. Brad
is in about 6 shots. It was a film maker decision - nothing to do
with the studio.
yes I can see now that 7 mins yes 7 MINS would be too too long for
any cinema audience to watch..this smeels like bullshit to me, I
think, and its only my opinion that Christopher Lee is being paid
back for constantly going on about the discrepancies between the
books and the film, poor Brad gets booted out aswell, what a crock
of sh*te
Brad fan Cattis writes:
I was just so surprised about the news, I mean, how can they do
such a thing.
I would like Peter Jacksons comment on this.
Why are they doing it? why? They have spoiled all my expectations
about the last film.
Brad fan Scott Fish writes:
This is a terrible things to do, it should not have happened and
the news should not have got out the way it has done. It shows a
complete lack of respect from Peter Jackson and the production team
at New Line. Brad Dourif and Christopher Lee are great actors and
deserve better than this. A very poor decision.
Brad fan Sue Pepiak writes:
I am outraged that both Brad and Christopher Lee have been cut.
They are both amazing actors who did exceptional jobs with the roles
they played. I just don't understand it. As a huge Tolkien fan I
have to say that I want this final film to be as perfect and as
faithful to the story as it can be. Without these two crucial parts,
a very important thread of the story is being left out. This makes
me worry that the final film will not be the quality product that
it should be. Since LOTR is my favorite literary work of the 20th
century, it's really important to me that this film be done right.
I can only hope Peter Jackson comes to his senses.
Brad fan k8 tha sk8 writes:
Well, i think it was a stupid choice just because now no one's gunna
know what the hell happened to them, like they just disapeared.
But that's just my opinion. I don't know if I can buy a Grima T-shirt,
but I will totally rock a homemade one if i must!
Brad fan Melissa writes:
I think it is sooo wrong, hes a pivital character! And we need to
see what happens to him and saruman! For people who don't get EE
the movie will not make sense. Its not right. It will ruin a brilliant,
a truly brilliant, trilogy.
Brad fan Hasty Ent writes:
This sucks. Grima is only in six shots??? As if!!! What a rip off.
I hope his death is sad. I doubt it will be, but I can still hope,
right? *sigh* On the first extended DVD (for the fellowship), the
writers said that most of the times they tried to go a different
way from the book, they realised that tolkien actually knew what
he was doing. Why haven't they learned from their mistakes?
Grima and Saruman's death should be in the right place: in the scouring
of the shire. The major point tolkien was trying to make in this
chapter is that after so much bad had happened, things CANNOT go
back to the way they were. It also showed that the hobbits were
strong and could look after themselves and their people. I loved
that chapter, it was so sad.
I understand why they can't put the scouring of the shire in the
movies, but they need to explain saruman's death. They can't just
expect the audience to thing that saruman and grima were killed
by the ents.
The Extended versions are so much better than the theatrical ones.
They should release the extended version of RotK in cinemas, that
would be waaaay better.
Oh well. At least we wont have to sit through the audience cheering
as grima gets shot in the head by legolas. *mumble mumble* stupid
pointy eared ponce. And we'll save being embarassed when we jump
up and yell obscenities at the elf.
Nice to see some opinions! Keep them coming, guys!